Features of Integration DDHP with Cloud Mail Zoho
1.- 100% Inbox receive and send emails to Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Aol, Mail.ru, Inbox.ru, Gmx.at, Yandex.ru and all type of emails corporate, up 250 emails for hour
2.- you can use a SMTP Professional of cloud email zoho in GC Script Goldcoders (WORK FINE).
3.- you can use gmail for forward you emails corporate for receive and send emails from gmail plattform
4.- you can create up 25 emails corporate free
5.- compatible with outlook 2013, 2016 and much clients emails via SMTP, POP, IMAP
6.- included 1 videos step to step, How create more emails corporate in the Cloud and How login to your emails.
if you are interested please open ticket in our support system or from our Live Chat 24/7
Example of SMTP with GC Script Goldcoders

Best Regards
Alain Dubal
DDHP sales Team
Tuesday, May 3, 2016